New cookie provides quick body fat loss without going hungry, better health and better appearance
Is the most complete food on Earth
Will also slash your food bills
By Daniel Hanford, Media Services
Do you want to get much healthier, lose your excess body fat and become better looking?
Just eat these new chocolate chip cookies.
They are the TOTAL35® Superfood Meal Replacement Chocolate Chip Cookies.
These new cookies are super delicious. They taste better than regular chocolate chip cookies. And they taste much, much better than those medicine tasting protein cookies.

The TOTAL35 Superfood Meal Replacement Chocolate Chip Cookies are the most complete food on Earth. They have all 35 essential nutrients. They taste better than regular chocolate chip cookies and much, much better than the medicine tasting protein cookies.
The TOTAL35 formula was developed by doctors, nutritionists and BioTech Research in the Beverly Hills triangle for movie stars to lose weight fast to make movies and to enhance their appearance. It was also developed for professional athletes to make them stronger. Doctors and nutritionists in the Beverly Hills triangle are considered to have the most advanced knowledge in the world on health and fitness because their clients’ livelihood depends on it.
New research by UCLA and Beverly Hills doctors who service the top movie stars and professional athletes has found that the body needs 35 critical essential nutrients in optimal amounts for good health. American food lacks most of these 35 critical essential nutrients because of farm soil depletion and over processed food.
The TOTAL35 formula was developed by doctors, nutritionists and BioTech Research in the Beverly Hills triangle for movie stars to lose weight fast to make movies and to enhance their appearance. It was also developed for professional athletes to make them stronger.

TOTAL35 Superfood customers report super fast body fat loss with no hunger, better health, more strength, better brain function, pain relief and younger looking skin, hair and nails.
Many Americans take popular vitamin and mineral pills in the type that are one per day. This only provides 1.6 grams of vitamins and minerals and only a fraction of the critical essential nutrients. You need 5.6 grams of vitamins and minerals a day and much more protein and collagen for good health.
Americans also take popular meal replacement shakes which also are greatly lacking in vitamins, minerals and protein. The vitamins, minerals and protein in these store supplements are very low in quality so they can sell them at a cheap price. They are not well absorbed by the body. Some of the cheap proteins they use produce harmful hormones.
The TOTAL35® Superfood Meal Replacement Chocolate Chip Cookies have all 35 essential nutrients in high amounts.
Each 2 ounce cookie has 14 grams of protein and collagen protein, only 4 grams net carbs and 2 grams net sugars. The protein and collagen protein is the best which is grass fed bovine protein. It contains healthy fat and all essential vitamins and minerals which are missing in keto diets.
TOTAL35® Superfood Cookies are filling and take away hunger and food cravings. This is because they provide all 35 essential nutrients, most of which are missing in today’s food and nutritional supplements. This is what causes the body to have food cravings because it is missing this nutrition.

BEFORE and AFTER: Provides fast weight loss without hunger or food cravings. It is the painless way to lose weight.

Only 4 cookies would provide you with all the nutrition you need for the day.
TOTAL35® Superfood Cookie customers report super fast body fat loss with no hunger, better health, more strength, better brain function, pain relief and younger looking skin, hair and nails.
You will cut your meal costs by up to 70%. For example, a meal of a ¼ lb. cheeseburger, fries and a drink from a fast food restaurant costs anywhere from $7 to $10 and has 1050 calories. The TOTAL35 Superfood Meal Replacement Cookies cost only $3 a meal, have much, much more nutrition and only 245 calories.

A ¼ lb. cheeseburger, fries and a drink from a fast food restaurant costs anywhere from $7 to $10 and has 1050 calories. TOTAL35® Superfood Meal Replacement Cookies cost only $3 a meal, have much, much more nutrition and only 245 calories.
• To claim BioTech Research TOTAL35 by phone call 1-800-264-6974.
• To claim BioTech Research TOTAL35 online click here:
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.